Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Introduction :)

Hello all who may randomly stumble upon my blog! My name is Cheyenne and I'm going to use this space to pretty much talk about things and going-ons in my life. But first, a little about me:

 I'm 24 and I recently graduated college last spring (ehhh still on the hunt for a job but what can I do?)

I have 3 younger sisters whom I love hanging out with so much but it can be difficult seeing as how we are all adults and on our own schedules all the time :(

 I spend too much time watching videos on youtube but honestly, who doesn't?

I'm a vegetarian, and I have been for almost 3 years now (and actually was vegan for 1.5 yrs but that's another blog post).

I love cats and own 4 of them (well technically 1 but my sister has 3 and I usually have to clean up after hers as well).

I absolutely LOVE running! It is my passion, therapy session, and break from reality.

I am a Christian and value my relationship with Christ over everything else in life.

My favorite time of year is Summer and I would live on the beach if I could.

I want to travel the world, I'd love to go to England or Australia (I have a thing for accents hehe)

My favorite singer in the entire world is Ed Sheeran :) I love his gingery-ness and I was so fortunate to get to see him live earlier this year :D (I guess now would be a good time to mention I also have a weird obsession w gingers...)

I am biracial (my father is black and my mother is white) and I love being unique!

Here is a picture of my face for those who care:

Well I guess that's all for now. This is just a tiny bit about me so stick around and you'll see more :) 

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